Sunday, 15 October 2023

5 weeks old

 There's not been as many photos this week, because we don't stay still and we've had lots and lots of visitors. Human mum forgets to take photos when she's busy talking!

Thursday 12th of October 2023 


Saturday 14th of October 2023

We are proper Malinois now, biting and tugging on everything and everyone!

Orange was chewing on the bottom of the grooming table but took a break.

Sunday 15th of October -we are 5 weeks old!


Play fight, a noisy one! That's Noodle in the background. She's a weird kind of dog. Black and white like our friend Lottie, but not a Poodle. Some kind of FLY dog. Maybe she can really fly with those ears? But then someone said something about margarine as well. Or was it butter? A margarine flying dog? WEIRD!!

 "I'm not weird" says Noodle, "I'm a beautiful Papillon. Not one of those big noisy Mali-somethingys!"

Pretty curly purple


Red, a trouble maker
Brown looking miserable! He isn't really.

Yellow again
Blue, the biggest and also the biggest troublemaker!

"I'm the boss! Look at my bossy stare!"


Going to indulge in photos of green now, as he's the one staying. "Can you see how special I am already??"
I'm on human mum's lap! Like a Poodle!
"No more photos now! Enough of the puparazzi!"
"Everyone else is ALL the way down on the floor!"
"I could be a 007 Bond villain's dog! 'I expect you to die, Mr Bond!' What was that? Human mum says if I'm going to be evil I should concentrate on some dog judge she never shuts up about. Okay. 'I expect you to die, Mr Judge!"
Look at my feet now! I can run just as well as my brothers and sisters.

Dignified puppy here.
Orange looks nothing but silly! Pick him up and his ears go aeroplane style. They are really MUCH better set than this!

Blue is getting tired.
Pretty in pink
Pink again
This is purple's coat. It's not like the rest of us.

Purple again.

We all had yucky pink worming stuff again tody! BAD humans!!

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Last page -goodbye from us

  6th of November The 5 of us that are still here went on an adventure. We travelled inside a big red monster called a car, then we saw some...